Viz Industry Panel

By Angie Quidim

Viz had several announcements that kept attendees glued to their seats.  One of the upcoming releases is based on the XBOX 360 video game Blue Dragon wich was slated for September 16th of this year.  Other releases expected out this year are the second and third Naruto movies and the first US release of the Bleach Movie.   Other DVD titles announced were  Other big DVD releases include Hunter X Hunter volume 1 (Dec. 9) and the first Death Note box set (Nov. 18), which will include the first 20 episodes on five discs.

Announced manga that will be released from Viz include the second edition of One Round GospelReal and Slam DunkSolaninBlack LagoonCowa, and  Nora. In September Viz will also release the Vizbig edition of Vagabond,a 3-volumes-in-one collection that will retail for $19.99.   Viz will re-releasing some of their previous manga titles as collector’s editions, that will feature hard covers and dust jackets, retailing for $19.99. Some of these titles that are included are Bleach, Death Note, Dragon BallDragon Ball Z, Naruto, and Yu-Ghi-Oh!

2009 releases will include Oishinbo, a manga about food. Heaven’s Will is expected to be released.  Viz will also release two of their previous titles in omnibus format, with the Vizbig versions of Fushugi Yugi and Hot Gimmick.

Viz ended the panel announcing three new acquisitions: Honey Hunt, Magic Touch, Otomen and Gestalt. 

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